Monday, April 12, 2010

Collision Course

Have you ever looked around and noticed that your life is on a collision course? You can see that it is going to be bad, but you can't actually do anything about it?

That's where I am right now and it is taking a lot of my energy to deal with it. I have a lot of family issues that are coming to a head, finals, and a bunch of other things that are all about to invade my life at once. Some of them I have some control over, others I am helpless to stop.

So, I know that I haven't been around here a lot, but I am officially saying that I am going to be away a while. I just have too much that has to get done and I am trying to find ways to pull as much of my life together as possible.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

In case you didn't know...

I'm impatient. Really, REALLY, REALLY, impatient. I like things to happen the way I want them to happen, at the exact time I want them to happen. I know, right now your thinking, doesn't everyone? Well, I suppose this is true, but I have a really hard time waiting for things.

I have to believe that a lot of this comes from the fact that a lot of good things happen to me. In the past year I've finished my master's degree, visited three countries, gotten married, gotten into and started a PhD program, been accepted to a training program, been awarded a fellowship, and been accepted to present at a conference. So I suppose it's safe to say that things are going pretty well for me. But, (and this is a really big but) for everything that I can list that I've gotten there are things that I haven't gotten. Internships and scholarships that I was rejected from, my first choice school for my master's that turned me down (I imagine they were laughing while they were writing that letter), I was not awarded another training position, and a hundred other things that didn't work out the way I planned.

So why exactly does this make me impatient? I think its because I image that things will always work out. Sure, when I get rejected from something I'm devastated. I mope around the house for a few days, cry in my office, and eat a lot of chocolate. But at the end of the day I honestly believe if I try hard enough, for a long enough period of time, I will eventually succeed. I'm not sure how I got into this mindset, but it has served me well. Except for the fact that it make me really impatient, because I believe I will eventually succeed and I would really like to get to that part. I'd really like to skip the parts that I"m in right now and get to the part where I am succeeding.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Someday I'll be amazing. I'll graduate from my PhD program, get a job, own a house, two and half dogs, and be able to do whatever I want. I'll win the awards, be the one who gets the applause, and find myself with a thirty page CV. Someday I'll finish my novel, query, get an agent, a publisher, and I'll visit my book at Barnes and Noble every week. Someday I'll learn to start projects before the day before they are due so I won't have to stay up till 1AM writing a paper. Someday I'll be brave enough to ask for things I know I deserve. I'll manage to overcome my insecurities. Someday I"ll be the person I always wanted to be.

Someday is not today.