Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Writers are nuts!

Today in one of my classes we were discussing certain personality traits that may or may not affect an individuals health. At one point the conversation turned to people who keep doing something, convinced they will succeed even though the odds against them seem insurmountable. Now, as far as the class is concerned, this is a bad trait. However, the entire time I kept thinking that this sounds a lot like writers.

Seriously, what normal person would continually send out queries and manuscripts hoping and praying that someday someone is going to publish them?

On that note, in another class this week we were discussing (BIG) grant applications. My professor kept discussing how only about 40% of people who applied for one in a given year got one. Again, the entire class seemed very concerned.

I am pretty sure most writers would kill their best friend to have a 40% chance that a publisher would publish their novel.

So I guess the point of this post is that writers are crazy (you already knew that right?), but in all of this craziness is a clarity that we wouldn't have it any other way.

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