Monday, February 8, 2010

How to Pass the Time During a Snow Storm

Friday it was snowing. Saturday I discovered 23 inches of snow piled up outside my door (yes, I measured). Two days later the streets are just starting to become passable and you can walk single file down a little path on the sidewalk. While the snow (and cancellations) have made me a huge procrastinator on my schoolwork, it definitely helped with some writing goals. I indeed wrote the 1000 words on my MG novel that I promised to (1224 to be exact) and did some editing on my picture book. I also managed to discover a new genre that I'm interested in writing and started work on a short story (that I have every intention of finishing tonight). That said, being snowed in can get, well, boring. I present for you reading pleasure my list of things to do during a snow storm.

1. Play board games. I would highly suggest starting with this because once you are snowed in with the same people for 3 or more days you will no longer want to play games with them. However, they can make for a lot of fun and are especially useful for passing the time during power outages. If you are already tired of your games, try making up new ones. You'd be surprised how many ways you can use the same pieces. If I'm home tomorrow (please let me be home tomorrow!), my husband and I are going to find a new game to play with the Jenga pieces.

2. Bake. Now is the perfect time to try out all those recipes. So far this weekend I made chocolate lamingtons and pound cake. Tonight I am going to be making cookies (I am supposed to take them to school tomorrow (please be canceled!)) and possibly some lemon meringue lamingtons.

3. Do your taxes. Your W-2s are just sitting around waiting. You know you are procrastinating your other work (please let class be canceled tomorrow so I can procrastinate another week!), so you might as well do something productive. You never know, you might just be pleasantly surprised.

4. Discover a new life path. As I mentioned, I discovered a new genre I want to try writing in. I also discovered an academic program at my university that I think I am going to pursue as a graduate certificate (but I really don't want to start tomorrow. 1 more snow day? Please?!). You could also discover that you want to drop out of school and become a yoga instructor. Scan through random blogs and you are bound to find something that catches your interest. The "next blog" button at the top of Blogger blogs is great way to discover blogs you never would have found otherwise.

5. Call everyone you know who is not in the snow storm and brag. Hello, little brother? Yeah, I don't have to go to class today. You do? That sucks. click. That may sound horrible, but trust me he would do the same to me (please be canceled tomorrow so I can call him again).

Did I happen to mention that I would really appreciate it if school was canceled again tomorrow?
(Update: class is indeed canceled for tomorrow :) )

*Please not that the author really does enjoy her graduate program, she would just like a little more recovery time.

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