Friday, February 5, 2010

Low on Writing Energy

I am running low on the ability to actually work on something this week. Since I sent my first work out to editors I have found it increasingly difficult to work on other projects. It's not that I think I am going to get anything out of these submissions (I am well aware that I will probably receive 3 rejection letters in the next few months)(though it would be really awesome if 1 of those was an acceptance instead and I am allowed to dream). I just feel like my motivation was mailed off with them. I have 1 picture book manuscript that is finished, but needs A LOT of editing before it is ready to be sent away. I have the first chapter of a MG novel that I would really love to keep working on. In addition, I have 5 more picture books and a YA novel that I would really like to write. So why can't I seem to sit down and actually do it?

Part of the problem is that I am just tired. Between classes and work I have very little time that I can use for whatever I want. A portion of that time goes to my husband and friends, a little bit (sometimes less than a little bit) goes to sleeping, and a chunk always goes to simply winding down by watching TV and reading (I just finished a great YA novel that I will post about soon). So I not only have to find the time, but the energy.

I know. Most writers have incredibly busy schedules and don't have the luxury of simply sitting around and writing. What I really need to do is carve out the time in my schedule, write it down on calendar, and stick to it. To help me with this I am making goals for myself. This weekend I am going to do an edit of my picture book and write 1000 words of my MG novel. I'll let you know on Monday if I actually made it.

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