Monday, February 1, 2010

Buying a Ticket

Ever get that nagging feeling that the universe is trying to tell you something? Well today the universe has been screaming. Loudly. For the past week I have been thinking a lot about something my 7th grade geography teacher used to say: "If you don't buy a ticket, you can't win the lottery". Well today the universe collided to convince me to write a post about it.

This morning, Natalie Whipple posted about not letting opportunities pass you by simply because you are afraid you aren't good enough. Later in the day one of my professors used a quote that tied in perfectly in his slide show presentation.

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretzky

A couple years ago a family member of mine commented to me that they were going to go to University A because it was the only one they got in to. This family member happens to be an incredibly talented artist with an amazing portfolio, so I was a little surprised that he hadn't gotten in anywhere else. When I inquired as to where else he had applied, he told me that he hadn't applied anywhere else.

Well of course not! Colleges aren't just going to send you acceptance letters. It seems so easy when it is someone else, but think about all the things in your life that you haven't bought tickets for. I would love to win the lottery, but am forced to admit that I have never actually bought a ticket.

I find that writers I know are often some of the worst people about this. I know many writers who always talk about wanting to be published but have never actually submitted anything. They keep their writing locked away in their computer where no one can read it. If they can't read it, they can't like it, and they certainly can't publish it.

I am not always the best about this, but I challenge you to consider taking a chance and submitting something. Seriously, what are you waiting for? Buy a ticket and at least give yourself a shot.

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